Some Signs by Air Conditioner That Shows It’s Time to Replace Your AC Filter
Air Conditioner which once was a luxury home appliance has now become a basic need for every household during summers. We are so busy in our day-to-day life that we forget to maintain our home appliances that make our life convenient and easy. We sometimes forget the importance of such home appliances unless there is some issue with them. But most of the problems can simply go away if we take good care of our appliances and maintain it on a regular basis. Air conditioners are home appliances that need regular maintenance in order for it to work flawlessly.
But we are so busy that sometimes we forget to replace our AC’s air filters so that our aircon can work efficiently. How often we need to replace the ac filters depends on various factors such as:
1. How often do you clean your ac filters?
2. How clean and dust-free the room is?
3. Whether you have pets in your house or not?
These are some of the factors that affect the air filters of the AC, Ideally, we should change our aircon’s filters every 3 months but it can be more or less depending on the above-mentioned factors. If you haven’t changed your air conditioner’s filters in a while, below are some of the signs that show your air conditioner needs new AC filters for it to work flawlessly and efficiently:
· Increased Electricity Bill:
When the electricity bill suddenly shoots up for the previous month, it shows that your aircon is consuming more energy than it should be because of the poorly functioning of the AC system. In summers the energy bills do spike up but there’s always a point above which simply means that your aircon isn’t functioning properly. The culprit here can be a dirty ac filter that needs replacement. A clean AC filter helps the aircon to operate more efficiently hence resulting in lesser energy bills.
· Dirty Air Vents:
If your AC’s air vents have dust on them, it simply means that you have dirty air filters that are not working properly. You will also find dirt or dust on the furniture near the AC vents. You can compare the furniture that is near the AC vents to the furniture that is far from it to get an idea of whether you need to replace the AC filters or not. The furniture near to the AC will have dust settled on them while the ones far away will be much cleaner.
· External Air Conditioning Unit Is Over-Heating:
Although the external unit of AC is usually hot, if the AC filters are not clean, you can expect the external unit to be over-heated. A clogged ac filter makes any aircon work less efficiently and may damage the AC’s internal mechanics. It can also shorten the lifespan of the air conditioner.
· AC Not Cooling:
This is the most common sign that your ac filters need replacement. If the air conditioner filters are dirty or clogged with dirt, the ac will fail to get the fresh air that may result in less and inefficient cooling.
These are some of the signs that show you need to replace your ac filters. You can buy ac filters online from GetMySpares where you will get authentic ac filters delivered directly to your doorstep. Buying ac filters online has many benefits that include low and competitive pricing, ease of availability of the aircon filters of all the brands in the market, deals and discounts, return and replacement policies, warranty and much more.
So, always make sure to clean your ac filters once a week and replace them every 3–4 months for your AC to work perfectly. A well-maintained air conditioner cools the room very quickly and uses less amount of energy as compared to an unmaintained one.